Molecular Biology
- Basic qPCR protocol using the ABI7900HT machine and Taqman probes: File:RNA prep using Trizol.docx
- Arcturus RiboAmp RNA amplification from fly brains: File:RiboAmp1.docx
- Basic RT reaction using ABI Archive cDNA kit: File:RT protocol.docx
- RNA prep using Trizol and Qiagen RNeasy columns: File:RNA prep using Trizol.docx
Next-generation sequencing
- Pilot protocol for PCR amplifying fly RNA editing sites: File:Editingseq pilot.docx
Fly Behavior and Genetics
- Drosophila virgin collection: File:Drosophila virgin collection.docx
- Vials for DAM analysis: File:Fly food for DAM analysis.docx
- Fly food protocol: File:Fly food.docx
- Human temperature record analysis: File:Human Temp Analysis.docx
- RUM (RNA-Seq Unified Mapper) guide: File:RUM guide.pdf
- Basic linux commands: File:Linux commands.pdf