Weekly progress reports that contain information on our roles, meetings, research, and activities for the week.
In these two weeks we finalized our team contract and learned about the expectations of the entire senior design course.
We have established a client (Linda Wu) and a project idea- developing a frame for
the hip dysplasia, post operational casting process. Through class activities, we have also written up initial project scopes and design specifications, and we are planning on meeting with the orthopedic surgeon, who identified the idea, early next week to flush out more details about the project. We are also in the process of interviewing with Sling Health to see if we can potentially partner with them for both funding and developing our product to be commercializable.
We met with Dr. Hosseinzadeh (orthopedic surgeon that proposed the idea for the project), and he helped clarify some of the design specifications that we weren’t sure about the metrics for. We had initially assumed that the product would be attaching to the side rails on the OR table, but we now understand the device needs to be able to attach only at the ankles to the foot hold already on the OR table and stabilize the patient while allowing enough mobility in the hips and knees. Additionally, we are working on setting up bi weekly check in times with are client Linda Wu, so that
we can stay on top of the project.
Meetings this week about progress through preliminary report and presentation- dividing up sections of report and discussing presentation content. We also met with Professor Klaesner and Professor Schreiber to discuss refining our need statement and project scope so that it addresses the population more specifically and the need is stated more directly. Will be giving practice presentation to AI this weekend and have a refined and practiced presentation by Monday.
The work this week mainly comprised of writing and presenting the preliminary report for this project. Through this process, we were able to gain a more thorough understanding of the nature of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip and the surgery it requires, the existing solutions for our problem on the market, and the design specifications that we would need to satisfy in developing this device. Additionally, after the presentation, we have determined that it would be beneficial to look into any liability issues that locally customized spica tables may evoke and also potentially conducting interviews with doctors who use these improvised solutions. In our meeting with our client this week, we hope to begin organizing a hospital visit so that we can observe the setting in which the device will be used and conduct any measurements that we may need in designing a prototype.