Welcome to the
Health Equity, Opportunity,
& Education Lab!

Health and educational equity & injustice are urgent issues facing our nation. Chronic diseases, in particular, exert disproportionate influences on our youth, impacting development, education, and life opportunity.

In the HOPE Lab, we believe…

1) health and educational equity & justice are essential for us all to reach our full potential both collectively and individually,

2) community driven research is necessary to fully understand and address inequities by prioritizing the lived experience and expertise of impacted individuals, and

3) it is necessary to build the diversity, inclusion, and representativeness of the research workforce to adequately support these goals and our communities.

Mission Statement

We conduct community-engaged, people-centered, justice-oriented research to advance health and educational equity, improve opportunity, and implement change in our communities.

Vision Statement

We envision an equitable and just world, where health and achievement do not limit but enhance one another, and all experience the justice, freedom, and opportunity to achieve their full potential.