Table XII-1.
HazardCause/Failure ModeSeverityProbabilityRisk LevelMethod of Risk Reduction/Mitigation
1. Skin irritation and allergic reactions.1. Use of low-quality or incompatible materials.3261. Use tested biocompatible materials and washable cushions.
2. Device malfunction.2. Hardware or software failure.1332. Conduct thorough quality control testing.
3. Incorrect readings.3. Improper calibration or usage.1223. Regular calibration and user training.
4. Sensor damage.4. Mishandling or wear and tear.2244. Design the device to be sturdy and durable.
5. Discomfort or pain.5. Poor fit or prolonged wear.2365. Design the device to be lightweight and comfortable.

Designsafe analysis of the product. 

Rating of severity and probability are based on a 1-5 scale with 1 being very low and 5 standing for very high. The risk level is the product of severity and probability. The Risk level definition is shown as follows:

Table XII-2. Risk level definition

Risk level >11 is considered as: need for mitigation. 

Risk level >5 but <=11 is considered as: acceptable, but could be better. 

Risk level <=5 is considered as: acceptable.