Clinical Task

  1. The participant is asked to wear our electric goniometer devices correctly and connects the devices to the smartphone according to our user manual.
  2. A new session in the combination of two electric goniometer devices is started on the smartphone for measuring the Euler angles.
  3. The participant is seated with the hand and arm supported on the table. The active range of motion is checked with a goniometer lineup over the dorsal PIP joint over the midline of the proximal phalanx and the middle phalanx.
  4. The participant is asked to curl their finger at the PIP joint to 90 degrees, 105 degrees, 120 degrees, 135 degrees, 150 degrees, 165 degrees, and 180 degrees. The flexion angle is measured with a finger goniometer.
  5. The participant is then asked to extend their finger at the PIP joint to 90 degrees, 105 degrees, 120 degrees, 135 degrees, 150 degrees, 165 degrees, and 180 degrees. The extension angle is measured with a finger goniometer.
  6. Stop recording the session and download data from the electric goniometer to the smartphone. 
  7. Process the data with R, and generate the plot for the PIP joint angle in a short period.

Daily Scenario Tasks

  1. The participant is asked to wear our electric goniometer devices correctly and connects the devices to the smartphone according to our user manual.
  2. A new session in the combination of two electric goniometer devices is started on the smartphone for measuring the Euler angles.
  3. The participant is asked to conduct simple daily tasks, including typing on the keyboard, walking, holding a smartphone, writing, and playing piano.
  4. Stop recording the session and download data from the electric goniometer to the smartphone. 
  5. Process the data with R, and generate the plot for the PIP joint angle in a short period.