Global Cardiovascular Disease Seed Funding
The application period for this funding will open on March 1, 2025 and close on March 31, 2025 (5 p.m. CDT).
View and download a PDF of this funding opportunity.
Background: The Global Health Center (GHC) and the Cardiovascular Imaging and Clinical Research Core Laboratory (CIRCL) in the Cardiovascular Division, Department of Medicine share a strategic vision to support high-impact local and global research. Securing independent research funding in cardiovascular disease (CVD) and CVD-related diseases represents a strategic goal to address the large and growing burden of disease in both USA and in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Intramural seed funding can help to stimulate new local-global health research collaborations and strengthen existing partnerships and projects. Seed funding to collect pilot data help faculty to be more competitive for larger extramural grant opportunities to realize GHC and CIRCL strategic goals.
Objective: Provide seed funding for pilot studies in the broad research topics of global CVD and/or CVD-related diseases. The overarching objective is to obtain pilot data to apply for extramural funding proposals, particularly from NIH.
Total funding available: Up to $100,000 total funds
Award limits: Maximal funding $50,000 per award. The GHC will contribute up to $25,000, and CIRCL will contribute up to $25,000 (of which all $25,000 can be used for testing performed at CIRCL, or $20,000 for testing and $5,000 for project support such as data analysis).
Period of support: 12 months
At least one WashU Cardiovascular Division faculty should serve as Principal Investigator. Another faculty member from Washington University can also serve as co-Principal Investigator. For Global Health Projects, an international partner institution faculty should also Co-PI with additional Co-investigators from international partner institutions as needed. WashU faculty can be principal investigator for only one application but may be a co-investigator on other applications. Early-stage investigators and senior investigators seeking to expand their research portfolio to LMICs are particularly encouraged to apply. Additional faculty, student, staff, and other global institutional partners, particularly those from LMICs, are eligible to be part of the application team.
Applications should include:
- Applicant information: Principal investigator name, title/position, school, terminal degree and field of study, email address
- Title and Abstract for general audience (150-word limit),
- Research Strategy, focused on transdisciplinary global health, including Aims, Significance, Innovation, and Approach sections (1000-word limit total for all sections combined)
- Budget and Budget Justification
- Future funding plan, including specific Funding Opportunity Announcements (300-word limit)
- Letters of support: LMIC institution and Co-PI, including how funds help support partnership.
Opening date for applications: March 1, 2025
Closing date for applications: March 31, 2025 (5 p.m. CST)
Questions: Direct any inquiries to Ashley Bardon, Assistant Director, GHC (
Application submission: Email as single pdf to Brenna Simmons (
All applications will be reviewed by faculty and staff with relevant experience in coordination with the Global Health Center and the Cardiovascular Division at WashU. Scoring criteria and approach will be modeled after those used by the US federal government: Significance, Innovation, Investigator(s), Approach, and Environment. Applicants will be provided written feedback which includes overall score and summary of major score driving strengths and weakness.
Review period: 6 weeks
Grant recipients will be expected to present research findings before end of the funding period at the Global Health Center Seminar Series. Any publications resulting from this work should acknowledge the funding as follows: GHC and Cardiovascular Imaging and Clinical Research Core Laboratory Research Seed Funding Program 2025.