
Global Health & Infectious Disease 2016 event award winners

The 4th Annual Global Health and Infectious Disease Conference was again a great success. Thank you to everyone who joined us to present, listen, learn, and connect. Prizes were awarded for the best talk at the Trainee Oral Symposium on April 14th and best posters at the Conference on April 15.

Oral Award

Kristin Griffiths, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Molecular Microbiology, in the lab of Dr. Shabaana Khader, won first prize for her talk on “Mechanisms for Improving TB Vaccine Efficacy.”

Poster Awards

Student Category
Kidist Zewdie, MPH Candidate, Brown School, won first prize in the category public health on the topic “Multilevel Analysis of Individual and State Level Factors Associated with Stunting in Ethiopia.”

Caitlin Spaulding, Graduate Student, Department of Molecular Microbiology, in the lab of Dr. Scott Hultgren, won first prize in the category infectious disease research, on the topic “Eradication of UPEC Reservoirs from the Host Using an Antibiotic-Sparing Treatment.”

Lindsay Parnell, Graduate Student, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, in the lab of Dr. Indira Mysorekar, won second prize in the category infectious diseases research on the topic “Spatial Variation in Microbiota within Human Placentas: Evidence for Seeding from Different Body Niches.”

Resident/Postdoctoral Category
Khanh Nguyen, MD, Resident Physician, Department of Medicine, won first prize in the category education/training on the topic “Current Practices and Attitudes Regarding Central Venous Catheter Placement Technique at a Large Teaching Hospital in Guatemala.”

Nicole Gilbert, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Molecular Microbiology, lab of Dr. Amanda Lewis, won first prize in the category infectious diseases on the topic “Transient Microbiota Exposures Activate Dormant Infection in the Urinary Tract.”

Oliver Prince, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Molecular Microbiology, in the lab of Dr. Shabaana Khader, and Rahul Tyagi, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, McDonnell Genome Institute, in the lab of Dr. Makedonka Mitreva, won a tied second prize in the category infectious disease research on the topics “Lymphocytic Follicle Formation Induced by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Mutant During Acute Tuberculosis Infection,” and “Genomic Diversity in Onchocerca Volvulus and its Wolbachia Endosymbiont,” respectively.