Videos from the Global Health & Infectious Disease Conference

A number of videos are now available from the talks at the April 10, 2015 Global Health & Infectious Disease Conference. These include: “Translational Medicine & Global Infectious Diseases – Need for Interdisciplinarity” with William Powderly, MD, Washington University “The Neglected Tropical Diseases Caused by Infections with Helminth Parasites” with Edward Pearce, PhD, Washington University “Using Genomics to […]

One postdoc fellow’s take on the Global Health & Infectious Disease Conference

Written by Rosanne Hertzberger, PhD, postdoctoral fellow and Morse Fellowship recipient in the Lewis Lab of Microbial Glycobiology and Women’s Health When my abstract was selected to present at the oral trainee session of the third annual Global Health and Infectious Disease Conference, I spent quite some time deliberating on how my research, my daily […]

Congrats to winners of global health infectious disease presentation awards

A number of participants in the 2015 Global Health & Infectious Disease Symposium and Conference on April 9 & 10 received awards for their outstanding work. These included: Trainee Oral Symposium Presentations Best postdoctoral fellow talkRosanne Hertzberger, PhD, cWIDR, Washington University, for: “Degradation and Metabolism of Glycogen During Bacterial Vaginosis” Best student talkPriya Pal, MD/PhD […]

Unearthing the potential of soil bacteria

Dr. Dantas and his team study the ecology, evolution and transmission dynamics of microbes and their antibiotic resistance genes across multiple habitats, towards building better predictive models of resistance selection and dissemination. Specifically he has recently focused on soil bacteria and solving the problems of antibiotic resistance. Can you describe what you mean by “soil bacteria,” and some of […]

Bench to implementation in the real world

Our Global Health Center contacted speakers from it’s 2015 Global Health and Infectious Disease Conference to gain their perspectives on the event’s theme of taking research from bench to implementation. We spoke with: Daniel Colley, PhD, Professor, University of Georgia and Director, Center for Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases Helen Fletcher, PhD, Senior Lecturer at […]

Aging with HIV

One of the most positive features of the current era of HIV, particularly in the Western world, is the fact that patients are aging successfully. In the 1980s, when the disease was first recognized, the average survival after someone was given a diagnosis of AIDS was approximately two years; indeed, on average, the interval between […]

Successful Open Streets program

During Open Streets events, cars are restricted from driving on certain streets so that people may walk, run, bike, skate, dance and play for a few hours each week, most commonly on Sundays. Common in Latin America, these events give communities a safe and affordable environment in which to come together for exercise and play. […]

Global Action Fund for Fungal Infections call to action

In late February 2015, the Global Action Fund for Fungal Infections (GAFFI) convened thought leaders from around the globe met in Seattle, WA. The director of the Institute and its Global Health Center, Bill Powderly, was one of the speakers at this key event. Stakeholders concluded that the early detection and treatment of fungal meningitis […]

Ebola virus disease lessons learned

The emergence, rapid spread, and ongoing transmission of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in West Africa have taught us many lessons about this deadly disease that was virtually unknown in the developed world before 2014: EVD can cause very large, sustained epidemics. This outbreak, with 8000+ deaths and counting, is by far the worst in history for many reasons including introduction into a […]

A medical anthropologist in Paris

Between 2001 and 2009, I had the opportunity to interview West African women living in Paris, France, and consult for reproductive health care in the French public health system. Structured interviews with 130 women led to further informal questioning of those who were willing, and to a handful of intense personal relationships. These relations, in […]

2014 Summer Research Program in Global Health

2014 S R P G H students pose for a photo

The 2014 Summer Research Program in Global Health (SRPGH), from the Global Health Center at the Institute for Public Health at Washington University in St. Louis offered eight students (from undergraduates to medical students) the opportunity to work closely with outstanding faculty mentors focusing on global health. The goal of the program was to expose […]

Maternal-child health researchers offer their insights

Recently, the Center for Global Health and Infectious Disease at Washington University in St. Louis contacted some of the presenters at the 2014 CGHID conference to gain a deeper insight into their experiences in the field of maternal/child health. Here is what we learned: Describe your career path a bit. What drew you to the […]