
Videos from the Global Health & Infectious Disease Conference

A number of videos are now available from the talks at the April 10, 2015 Global Health & Infectious Disease Conference.

These include:

“Translational Medicine & Global Infectious Diseases – Need for Interdisciplinarity” with William Powderly, MD, Washington University

“The Neglected Tropical Diseases Caused by Infections with Helminth Parasites” with Edward Pearce, PhD, Washington University

“Using Genomics to Understand Schistosomes and Other Parasitic Worms” with Matt Berriman, PhD, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK

“Operational Research to Control and Eliminate Schistosomiasis in Africa: The SCORE Project” with Daniel Colley, PhD, University of Georgia

“Developing New Anti-Virulence Strategies Against Mycobacterium tuberculosis” with Christina Stallings, PhD, Washington University

“Risk of Developing TB Disease in Infants Vaccinated with BCG” with Helen Fletcher, PhD, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

“Leveraging Impact at Scale in Global Health- Conundrum and Opportunity in Infectious Disease Prevention and Control” with Wolfgang Munar, MD, Washington University