
Welcome to the Randolph laboratory. Click on the links above to learn about what we do, who we are, who we have trained, and what’s new in the lab.

Exciting New Announcements!

May 1, 2024: Second year graduate students Kevin Telfer and Heather Ruiz completed their mentored teaching experience in Immunology II taken by first year immunology students. It was a lot of work; they did a stellar job! May 1, 2024: Graduate student Heather Ruiz was selected for a predoctoral WashU Gastrointestinal T32 fellowship T32 DK007130 […]

Sahil Soni is Awarded a BioSURF Grant for Summer 2024

April 1st, 2024: The Randolph Lab is excited to announce that Sahil Soni, one of our undergraduate research assistants, has been awarded a Biology Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (BioSURF) for summer 2024. Sahil will be working with Dr. Michael Strickland to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying cholesterol transport and metabolism using photoconvertible apolipoproteins. […]