The Program in Genetic Counseling is an innovative, 21-month Master of Science program that will prepare graduates to become a Certified Genetic Counselor (CGC®) through the American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC).

Program Mission & Objectives

The mission of the WashU Medicine Program in Genetic Counseling is to educate future generations of genetic counselors to serve the growing need for diverse, culturally humble, innovative genetic counselors serving patients, working in industry, and conducting research.

The objectives of our program are to provide a rigorous curriculum, broad and robust clinical experiences, and expert research guidance to graduate students who are well-prepared to fill the ever-expanding professional roles in which genetic counselors may be employed.

Program Statistics

Board Pass RateThis will be published within one year of graduating our third cohort (posted no later than May 2026).
Attrition RateOur program has a 0% attrition rate since we accepted our first class in 2021.
Job Placement Rate100%* of our graduates have obtained employment within the field of genetic counseling as of July 2024.
*At the time of MS program matriculation, one student deferred entry into a WashU PhD program and is currently working full-time toward those degree requirements.

Curriculum Design

The program takes place over 21 months: Fall and Spring semesters in the 1st year, the intervening summer between 1st and 2nd year, and Fall and Spring semesters in the 2nd year.

Our students will take ten didactic courses which have been specifically developed for the program. The course content and pace will be driven specifically to accommodate the learning of this small cohort.

Our students will also enroll in two required and one elective course available to students in other WashU training programs.

  • “Genetics and Genomics of Disease” is also taken by predoctoral students in the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences at WashU.
  • Our students also take one 1-credit course offered by the MS in Applied Health Behavior Research program at WashU. Students who are conducting a quantitative research project will take “Introduction to SPSS” while students who conducting a qualitative research project will enroll in “Introduction to Qualitative Coding and Analysis.”
Required Coursework
Course TitleCourse Director(s)Credit HoursNumber of Weeks
1st Year Fall Semester
Introduction to Genetic Counseling IRachael Bradshaw, MS and Tomi Toler, MS414
Clinical Genetics & Genomics ITomi Toler, MS and Marwan Shinawi, MD314
Human Embryology (online course)*DJ Lowrie Jr, PhD (Univ. of Cincinnati)217 self-paced lectures
Laboratory Genetic CounselingMeagan Corliss, MS314
Genetic Counseling Journal ClubKatherine King, MD1~4 meetings
1st Year Spring Semester
Introduction to Genetic Counseling IIRachael Bradshaw, MS and Tomi Toler, MS414
Clinical Genetics & Genomics IITomi Toler, MS and Marwan Shinawi, MD314
Genetic Counseling Research Design & EthicsErin Linnenbringer, PhD, MS314
Elective CourseVarious (***see list below)2-314 ***
Genetic Counseling Journal ClubKatherine King, MD1~4 meetings
1st to 2nd Year Intervening Summer
Research Project IErin Linnenbringer, PhD, MS112
Clinical Fieldwork Rotations ITomi Toler, MS412
Introduction to Qualitative Coding and Analysis^Stephen Scroggins, PhD, MSPH  1  5
2nd Year Fall Semester
Advanced Genetic Counseling IRachael Bradshaw, MS and Tomi Toler, MS414
Genetics and Genomics of DiseaseTimothy Schedl, PhD214
Introduction to SPSS^Julia Lopez, PhD, MPH, LCSW  1  3
Research Project IIErin Linnenbringer, PhD, MS214
Clinical Fieldwork Rotations IITomi Toler, MS314
Genetic Counseling Journal ClubKatherine King, MD1~4 meetings
2nd Year Spring Semester
Advanced Genetic Counseling IIRachael Bradshaw, MS and Tomi Toler, MS414
TeratologyRachael Bradshaw, MS214
Clinical Fieldwork Rotations IIITomi Toler, MS314
Research Project IIIErin Linnenbringer, PhD, MS214
Genetic Counseling Journal ClubKatherine King, MD1~4 meetings
* Students who have completed the Clinical Embryology course through the University of Cincinnati for a letter grade (obtaining a B- or higher) within the last 3 years that can provide documentation of their final grade and date of completion will have their tuition reduced by the cost of the course at the time of matriculation into our program and will not have to repeat the course. Students who have taken a graduate-level Embryology course through another institution for a letter grade (obtaining a B- or higher) within the last 3 years may submit a copy of the syllabus and documentation of their final grade and date of completion. If this course is accepted as a replacement for the University of Cincinnati course, the student will have their tuition reduced by the cost of the University of Cincinnati course at the time of matriculation into our program.
  ^ Students will take one of the two data analysis methods courses based on their research project requirement.
Elective Course Listing
Course Title
American Sign Language (ASL)
Basics of Data Visualization and Presentation
Beginning Spanish for Health Care Professionals I
Biomedical Ethics
Communicating Research Findings to the Media and Lay Audiences
Counseling Skills for Health Care Professionals
Cross-Cultural Psychology
Developing and Evaluating Implementation Strategies in Health and Social Services
Fundamentals of Early Intervention and Child Development
Health Care Policy
Health, Healing, and Ethics: Intro to Medical Anthropology
Health Psychology
Leadership and Change in Health Care Services
Presentation Skills for Academic & Professional Settings
Principles of Shared Decision Making and Health Literacy in the Clinical Setting
The Racial and Sexual Politics of Public Health
Scientific Writing and Publishing
Others as approved by Program Director
Current as of October 2024
Supplemental Activities
Name or Type of ActivityFrequency
Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education ^1x per semester
Cordell Institute for Policy in Medicine and Law Programming *1-2x per year
Genetic Counseling Student Case Conference *1x per month
Genetics & Genomic Medicine Case Conference *1x per week
Genetics in Pop Culture *1x per month
Observations in Specialty Clinics (Cystic Fibrosis Center, Neurology, Rare Lung Disease Center, etc.) ^~4 total observations, 1st year Spring semester
Observations with genetic counselors ^~4 total observations, 1st year Fall semester
Professional Development Lunch & Learn *1x per month
Rare Diseases Day Symposium *1x per year
Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN) Genomics Board Meeting *4x per year
* 1st and 2nd years
^ 1st years only

Clinical Fieldwork

During the first year, students will observe both in clinics staffed by genetics professionals (genetic counselors, geneticists) and in clinics without genetics professionals.

Students will complete 5 clinical fieldwork rotations during their second year:

  • Summer – 1 clinical fieldwork rotation, 4 weeks full time or up to 6 weeks part time, 20 days
  • Fall – 2 clinical fieldwork rotations, each 6 weeks part time, minimum 14 days
  • Spring – 2 clinical fieldwork rotations, each 6 weeks part time, minimum 14 days
Clinical Fieldwork Rotation Sites
Clinical Fieldwork Rotation SiteSpecialty
WUSM St. Louis Children’s HospitalPediatrics, General Genetics
WUSM Prenatal GeneticsPrenatal
WUSM Pediatric Cancer Predisposition ClinicCancer Specialty
WUSM Siteman Cancer CenterCancer
SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s HospitalPediatrics, General Genetics
SSM Health St. Mary’s HospitalPrenatal
Saint Louis Fetal Care Institute at CGCHPrenatal Specialty
SSM Health Hereditary Cancer ServicesCancer
Mercy OncologyCancer
Mercy Perinatal and Fetal CarePrenatal
Mercy Clinical GeneticsGeneral Genetics
Cape Radiation OncologyCancer
Students enrolled at any ACGC accredited genetic counseling program must complete certain requirements to be eligible to sit for the ABGC board certification examination after graduation. This includes a minimum of 50 participatory fieldwork cases with a clinical supervisor that meet the following requirements:
1) Current genetic counselor certification by the American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC), the Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors (CAGC), or American Board of Medical Genetics & Genomics (ABMG[G])
2) At least one year of experience as a clinical genetic counselor or in relevant fieldwork placement
3) Complete one (1) hour per year of training/coursework related to fieldwork supervision; including at least 0.5 hour of training/coursework related to principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice

Supervisors at our Program’s clinical fieldwork rotation sites meet these minimum requirements.

Estimated Tuition and Fees*

Below are the estimated tuition rates for the 2025-2026 academic year.^

$18,720Tuition per semester
$9,360Summer tuition (1st year only)
$5,225Student Health Benefit plan (required)
$52,025Total estimated first-year tuition and fees
* Tuition is billed one semester at a time at the start of the semester. The Program in Genetic Counseling is not able to offer payment plan options at this time.
^ Students are billed based on the number of credits for which they are registered each semester. The actual number of credits per term may range between 11-14 credits due to the student’s choice of elective and data analysis courses. The estimate above is based on the average 12-credit semester and 6-credit summer.

For more information about financial assistance and other support available to students, please visit our Student Support page.

Accreditation & Licensure

The WashU Medicine Program in Genetic Counseling has been awarded New Program Accreditation Status by the Accreditation Council for Genetic Counseling (ACGC). ACGC is the accreditation board for graduate programs in genetic counseling in the United States and Canada. ACGC advances quality in genetic counseling education by developing and maintaining standards for educational and clinical training of genetic counseling students and implementing a peer-review process to evaluate programs. ACGC is a member of the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors (ASPA)​​​​. ASPA is dedicated to enhancing quality in higher education through specialized and professional accreditation.

For those states in which genetic counseling licensure is available, the state boards of licensure require that applicants graduate from a U.S. genetic counseling school accredited by ACGC as a condition for licensure. In addition, most state boards of licensure require that U.S. applicants take and pass the American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC) Certification Examination.  For U.S. genetic counseling program graduates to be eligible to sit for the ABGC Certification Examination, their school must be accredited by ACGC.

The WashU Medicine has determined that, as a result of its ACGC accreditation, its Genetic Counseling program curriculum meets the educational requirements to sit for the ABGC Certification Examination and to pursue licensure in all states and territories of the United States and Washington, DC in which licensure is available.

SAFE: Supporting a Fair Environment

WashU Medicine strives to support all learners, faculty and staff in the academic medical center in providing an environment conducive to learning, research and high-quality patient care. We aspire to a work and learning environment characterized by inclusive excellence, free from behavior that is harassing, threatening or intimidating, where all people witness and experience respect, collegiality and collaboration. All members of our community are responsible for contributing to these goals in the medical center environments of patient care, research and education.

Want to contact us directly?

Contact our Program Coordinator Elizabeth Witthaus by calling us at 314-273-8552 or emailing us at

Visit our Program Facebook Page to stay up-to-date!