F. Hunter McGuire (he/him or they/them) is a PhD student in Public Health Sciences at the Brown School.

For the most up-to-date information on my current work and interests, please visit my website.


Social epidemiology; LGBTQ health; Eating disorders and body image concerns; Health equity and intersectionality; Systems science; Bayesian statistics


Using an intersectional and health equity lens, I study risk and protective factors influencing the development of body image dissatisfaction, weight-related concerns/behaviors, and eating disorders. My research focuses on public health approaches to eating disorder prevention and understanding how diverse groups within the LGBTQ community experience these issues. Each month, I lead and organize the Eating Disorder Epidemiology Journal Club, which focuses on emerging public health-oriented research on eating disorders and related weight and body image concerns.

I also work with the Center for Public Health Systems Science on projects using systems science methods (e.g., agent-based modeling, social network analysis) to simulate policy implementation and dissemination outcomes.

Email: hunter.mcguire@wustl.edu