Specification Description Metric 
Outcome Warning Level An algorithm designed to calculate the prediction score for transplant success and use that score to provide surgeons with a warning level.  Prediction score is calculated based on donor factors similar to the pancreas donor risk index (PDRI). The algorithm will take into account donor age, BMI, hypertension/diabetes history, Hep. C history, and whether the donor is African American. This value will be used to assign a risk level to the transplant patient. If the predictor indicates a high risk for organ failure, the interface for the sensor will output the readings with a higher warning level.  
Tissue Temperature A function of the sensor which will measure the temperature of the pancreas tissue as a proxy for inflammation, which in itself is a measure of rejection. The sensor will monitor the temperature of the pancreas tissue and return that value continuously. A warning will be sent to notify the surgeons if the value reaches above 100°F [11]. 
Tissue Pressure A function of the sensor which will measure the osmotic pressure of the pancreas tissue as an indicator of tissue swelling which could be caused by inflammation and rejection. The sensor implanted in the pancreas tissue will monitor the interstitial fluid pressure and return that value to provide a proxy for the level of edema in the tissue. A warning will be sent to notify the surgeons if the pressure reaches above +6 mmHg [1]. 
Blood Flow Rate A function of the sensor to measure the blood flow rate in the pancreas tissue as an indicator of pancreas function. The sensor will monitor the blood flow rate in the pancreas tissue and return that value continuously. A warning will be sent to notify the surgeons if the value reaches above or below the range, 4.1 +/- 1.2 ml/min per gram [5].   
Tissue Oxygenation A function of the sensor to measure the oxygenation level of the pancreas tissue as an indicator of pancreas function The implanted sensor will monitor the oxygenation level, in terms of oxygen partial pressure, in the cortical later pancreas tissue and return that value continuously. A warning will be sent to notify the surgeons if the value reaches below 58 mmHg [13]. 
Battery Capabilities A characteristic of the sensor that will allow long duration, stability, and high efficiency once implanted into pancreas tissue. Based on Dr. MacEwan’s previous device, the battery life could be adjusted based on the lithium battery chosen. This allowed a battery life of days or weeks. For a pancreas transplant, patients are monitored closely for three weeks to two months, which would require a minimum battery life of three weeks. 
Long-term Implant Capabilities The sensor should be able to remain implanted in the pancreas tissue for a long period of time after transplant surgery in order to maintain long-term and short-term monitoring capabilities. The sensor should be able to maintain function and monitoring for 1 month post transplantation. After that period of time, the device could be removed via a probe, or be biodegraded by the body. 
For verification and validation, a minimum of 2 hours to accommodate utilizing a live, anesthetized rat model.
Wireless Capabilities The sensor should be able to transmit data from the patient to the transplant surgeon team at the hospital. The sensor should be able to transmit information to an external source within a 5 mile radius of the patient, which can then be transmitted from the external device (iPad) to the hospital network.