Our lab simulates planetary interior pressure and temperature conditions, and collaborates with many groups to use new ultra-precise analysis methods to measure element fractionation, phase equilibria, and isotopic partitioning and diffusion.

The evolution of super-hydrous magmas in the Earth’s crust

Shiveluch volcano, situated in the Kamchatka peninsula (Russia), is the most active stratovolcano in the world in terms of large explosive eruptions. Its eruptive products preserve evidence for the most water-rich magma ever studied, and this high-water content might explain why this volcano has had more than twice as many VEI4+ (Volcano Explosivity Index) in the last 10000 years than any other on Earth. This study aims to elucidate the role of high-H2O content magmas at subduction zones. Methods including investigating hydrous magmas, petrology, and amphibole chemistry are used to quantify pre-eruptive water contents in super-hydrous arc magmas at deep crustal and upper mantle conditions.
Determining the actinide partitioning between zircon and silicate melts accurately is critical to obtain higher precision on U-Pb dating for young rocks. In this study, the long-standing discrepancy between experimental studies and natural zircons regarding the partition coefficients of U and Th between zircon and melt is being addressed using high-precision microprobe analyses with extreme spatial resolution.
Actinide partitioning between zircon and silicate melts

Geological hygrometer and oxybarometer based on amphibole-melt chemistry

Amphibole is a hydrous mineral that crystallizes from hydrous melts. The goal of this study is to calibrate the chemistry of amphibole as a function of melt composition, fO2, and water content. Using various analytical techniques, quantitative information on the hydrogen content of amphiboles is collected. Theses data are used to better understand the partitioning of hydrogen between amphibole and melt. This hygrometer/oxybarometer is important since it is applicable to magmas without two co-existing oxides and gives valuable information about arc magma genesis and evolution.