Welcome to our new programmer, Yating!

As Allie prepares to start her MD/PhD training (!), we have brought on a new programmer, Yating! She has a Master’s in Bioinformatics and previously worked in Sally Elgin’s lab on the Danforth campus here at Wash U. Projects she’s been involved in previously include G-OnRamp, a bioinformatics-visualization pipeline intended for undergraduate education in modern “big data”-based genetics, including gene expression and genome annotation.

One of Yating’s first big undertakings with the Dougherty lab will be tuning up our CSEA/pSI tool for comparison to single-cell RNA-seq based datasets. The end goal is to add a number of reference datasets–single-cell or otherwise–pre-loaded for one to query their gene sets against. This should also allow for the end user to load in their own reference matrix of expression-by-cell-type data to query against.

All the details aside, we welcome Yating and look forward to working with her!