

Congratulations to Mike Rieger, PhD!

This week, Mike Rieger successfully defended his thesis! Mike was joined at graduation by Kristina Sakers and Rebecca Ouwenga, who will also be defending in the coming weeks. Mike was awarded his PhD for his work on mouse vocalization behavior and the CELF family of RNA-binding proteins. He will soon be moving out to San […]

Kayla and summer alum, Mara, both receive NSF Grad Fellowship Awards!

Congratulations to both Kayla and GR1-to-be, Mara, who were both awarded NSF Graduate Fellowships! Kayla’s proposal aims to look at how the genes deleted in Williams Syndrome (more on WS below) may in turn regulate oxytocin gene expression. One mechanism thought to underlie the hypersocial behavior seen in Williams is an excess of oxytocin, which […]

Welcome to our new programmer, Yating!

As Allie prepares to start her MD/PhD training (!), we have brought on a new programmer, Yating! She has a Master’s in Bioinformatics and previously worked in Sally Elgin’s lab on the Danforth campus here at Wash U. Projects she’s been involved in previously include G-OnRamp, a bioinformatics-visualization pipeline intended for undergraduate education in modern […]

Upcoming: Kristina and Mike R Thesis Defenses

On May 16th, Mike R will be defending his thesis on the Celf family of RNA binding proteins. From there, he’s heading to the Salk Institute in San Diego to do his post-doctoral work in Sreekanth Chalasani’s lab. Dr. Chalasani’s group studies neurobiology, especially of behavior and behavioral pharmacology, in the worm C. elegans. Mike […]