

Claire on StL Public Radio: Introducing Home-Schooled Children to the Brain as “Gateway Science”

Claire was recently featured on St Louis Public Radio, highlighting the Brain Discovery program she co-founded here at Wash U! The program features hands-on neuroscience demonstrations for elementary schoolchildren as a “gateway” to exciting the next generation about STEM fields. Claire’s ongoing efforts in this endeavor are an exemplary case of a graduate student taking […]

Welcome to Stephen, full-time MPRA Technician

Stephen Plassmeyer, a 2018 graduate of Truman State University–which happens to be Joe’s alma mater!–has joined up with the lab to help with wet lab experiments and preparations for massively parallel reporter assays (MPRAs). This cutting-edge method has been rapidly phased into the lab in order study the role of genetic variation in gene regulation […]

Rebecca Defends Next Week!

It’s been a productive year for the lab: two theses defended, with Rebecca’s just around the corner. Join us at 3pm, Sept 12th in the Mid-Campus Center, Room 257, and help cheer her on while learning about some cutting edge brain-transcriptomics! Rebecca’s thesis work has focused on developing an executing a method, called SynapTRAP, to selectively […]

Kristina Sakers, PhD becomes the second Doc from the Doc Lab!

We had barely graduated our first student, Mike, when Krissy went to bat and successfully defend her thesis! We’re thrilled for her and the scientific career she has ahead. Kristina’s thesis work centered around translation of mRNA into protein in the distal bits of astrocytes, which contact and regulate thousands of synapses. While this phenomenon […]

Dougherty lab welcomes two summer students

A couple weeks ago, two students started in our lab for the summer. Jelani is an undergraduate at Washington University, and will be studying microglia under the mentorship of Mike Vasek. Kristian is a high school (!) student visiting as a YSP (Young Scientist Program) scholar. She’s working with Tomas Lagunas on the full breadth […]