

Best wishes to Sean in his new lab manager position!

After a couple years of helping the Dougherty lab to streamline its ordering, organization, and purging of mystery tubes–to say nothing of his efforts on several projects regarding glia and regulatory genetic variation–our staff scientist, Sean Brophy, is headed downstairs as the lab manager of the Johnathan Kipnis lab. The Kipnis lab is currently still […]

New Post-Doc, Anthony Fischer, joins the lab!

We have welcomed another new post-doc begin working with us on post-transcriptional regulation of mRNAs via RNA binding proteins and UTR elements! Anthony Fischer studied interactions and dynamics of RNA binding proteins at University of Missouri St. Louis, and is joining us to share his expertise and take this knowledge into the neurosciences. We look […]

Welcome to new post-doc, Reshma Bhagat!

This week, we’re welcoming Reshma Bhagat to our lab (and the USA)! Reshma did her Ph.D. work at the National Brain Research Center in the state of Haryana in India, studying the mechanisms by which Zika virus disrupts neuronal differentiation and maturation. Her initial work in the Dougherty lab will involve studying mechanisms of local […]

Post-Doc Darshan’s K99 grant funded!

Darshan’s K99 application, “Neurobiological Significance of Aqp4 Stop Codon Readthrough” was recently funded! This work will explore how a variant protein channel that facilitates water movement across cell membranes may impact the brain in multiple ways. In general, the astrocytic endfeet contacting blood vessels are enriched for this variant protein, which may affect the magnitude […]

Even more new faces (five of them!)

We welcomed a bunch of newcomers to the lab yesterday–four undergraduates and one high school student who will be with us full time over the summer, mentored by graduate students and postdocs from the lab. Keep an eye on the “people” page for more about them in the coming days!