

New Publication: FoxP1 in ASD Pathways

Are you down with G & D?  Yeah? Well Mike’s now on a paper there, thanks to our collaboration with the Konopka lab! Check it out: FoxP1 orchestration of ASD-relevant signaling pathways in the striatum

New Publication on Systems Bio and ASDs

Congrats to Nathan, Sharlee and Joe:  The review “Moving from Capstones towards Cornerstones: Successes and challenges in applying systems biology to identify mechanisms of autism spectrum disorders.” has been published!    

BRAINS Award…Awarded!

Our lab has received the highly competitive BRAINS award for our collaborative project with the Mitra lab: “An Inducible Molecular Memory System to Record Transient States of CNS Cells”! We’re looking forward to employing this technique to gain insight into the developmental genetics of the brain.