

Congratulations Haley!

Haley, who has been working with Mike Vasek, was just awarded the BioSURF Fellowship, which supports summer undergraduate research under “seasoned mentors” (stay spicy, Joe/Mike). Haley’s application was a grant-style proposal reviewed by Wash U faculty. We’re glad to have an up-and-comer sticking around for the summer! You can read more about the BioSURF program […]

Joe Gets J. Neurosci to Legalize Supplemental Data!

“A referendum to legalize the responsible use of supplemental data. Inspired by the recent successful referendums in Colorado, California, and Washington, I propose that it is perhaps time for The Journal and The Society to reconsider their policy on supplemental data.”   Read the full letter to J. Neurosci here.

Nathan’s Review on Systems Biology in Autism Published as Book Section!

Nathan’s review article, “Moving from capstones toward cornerstones: successes and challenges in applying systems biology to identify mechanisms of autism spectrum disorders”, was just published as part of an E-book by the publisher Frontiers. The book, “Essential Pathways and Circuits of Autism Pathogenesis” is freely available online. Congrats, Nathan! What is systems biology, you say? […]

Rohan’s Summer Wrap-Up

It’s hard to believe, but Rohan’s full-time summer work has already wrapped up! He spent the summer working on a quantification system for in-situ hybridization (ISH) micrographs and helped Kristina by performing multiple immunostains and ISHs. He will be presenting his work in a poster at Wash U’s Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium. Great work Rohan, and we hope […]