Welcome Back, Katie!
Katie, our wonderful and wonderous behavior tech, also known as the “mouse whisperer” in the lab, has re-joined our team full time. Welcome back, Katie! We (and the mice) have missed you!
New Preprint Alert: Identification of compounds enhancing Aqp4 stop codon readthrough
Darshan led an elegant series of screens, with the goal to find drugs that might promote ‘glymphatic’ function, and perhaps slow disease. Starting with a series of reporters, a herculean screen of 2600 drugs, and counter screens, he finds an enhancer of this novel perivascular form of Aqp4 by altering stop codon readthrough. The final […]
New Preprint Out: Ontogenetic Oxycodone Exposure Affects Early-Life Communicative Behaviors, Sensorimotor Reflexes, and Weight Trajectory in Mice
Elena and Simona co-authored our new preprint “Ontogenetic Oxycodone Exposure Affects Early-Life Communicative Behaviors, Sensorimotor Reflexes, and Weight Trajectory in Mice”, now up on bioRxiv. In the prepring, they describe effects of in utero and postnatal oxycodone exposure on early neurodevelopment in mouse offspring exposed to maternal oxycodone, by modeling opioid abstinence following birth and […]
Allen joins the Genome Analysis Training Program
Allen was offered a position in the highly-selective Genome Analysis Training Program. Congrats, Allen!
Tomás won the Early Career Investigator Program award from the WCPG
Tomás is on a roll: he also won the Early Career Investigator Program award from the World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics. He’ll be attending both WCPG virtually and 2021 in Montreal. At the 2020 WCPG, he’ll be presenting on “A Massively Parallel Reporter Assay to Investigate the Contribution of Noncoding Variation in Autism Spectrum Disorder”. […]