Seff, I., Olaya Rodriguez, D., Meinhart, M., Colarelli, J., Vahedi, L., & Stark, L. (2022). Age at first exposure to violence and later mental health outcomes: A sex-disaggregated, multi-country analysis in sub-Saharan Africa. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Vahedi, L., Seff, I., Olaya Rodriguez, D., McNelly, S., Interiano Perez, A. I., Erskine, D., Poulton, C., & Stark, L. (2022). “At the Root of COVID Grew a More Complicated Situation”: A Qualitative Analysis of the Guatemalan Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response System during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), Article 17.
Olaya, D. (2009). Aportes para el proceso de consolidación de una postura ética-política de Trabajo Social frente a las violencias contra las mujeres, las niñas y los niños en las familias. (Contributions to the process of consolidating an ethical-political posture in social work on violence against women, girls, and boys in families). Revista Tendencias & Retos N.o 14: 245-256.
Handbooks & Chapters
Olaya Rodriguez, D., Sanchez Gómez, O.A (2020). Las mujeres generamos conocimientos para politizar el dolor. Metodología para la documentación de casos de violencias contra las mujeres con ocasión del conflicto armado (Women create knowledge to politicize the pain. Methodology for documenting cases of violence against women in the context of armed conflict). Casa de la Mujer.
Olaya Rodriguez, D., Sánchez Gómez, O.A & Silva Miguez, L. (2017). Entrelazando institucionalidad, políticas y programas del acuerdo final (Knitting together the institutions, policies, and programs of the final peace agreement.) Casa de la Mujer. Available at the Stanford University Library.
Sánchez Gómez, O.A & Olaya Rodriguez, D.(2016). Políticas públicas con enfoque de género Módulo 3 de Fortaleciendo el empoderamiento político y social de las mujeres (Public policy with a focus on gender. Chapter 3 of “Strengthening Political and Social Empowerment of Women”). Colombia’s Office for Gender Equity.
Research Technical Reports
Busch-Armendariz, N. B., Wood, L., Kammer-Kerwick, M., Kellison, B., Sulley, C., Westbrook, L., Olaya-Rodriguez, D., Hill, K., Wachter, K., Wang, A., McClain, T., & Hoefer, S. (2017). Cultivating Learning and Safe Environments: An Empirical Study of Prevalence and Perceptions of Sexual Harassment, Stalking, Dating/Domestic Abuse and Violence, and Unwanted Sexual Contact. Austin, TX: Institute on Domestic Violence Sexual Assault, The University of Texas at Austin.
Busch-Armendariz, N. B., Wood, L., Sulley, C., Kammer-Kerwick, M., Kellison, B., McClain, T., & Hoefer, S., Wang, A., Westbrook, L., Olaya-Rodriguez, D., Hill, K., Wachter, K. (2017). Research Methods Report: Cultivating Learning and Safe Environments – An Empirical Study of Prevalence and Perceptions of Sexual Harassment, Stalking, Dating/Domestic Abuse and Violence, and Unwanted Sexual Contact. Austin, TX: Institute on Domestic Violence Sexual Assault, The University of Texas at Austin.
Busch-Armendariz N.B, Olaya-Rodriguez D., Kammer-Kerwick Wachter, K. & Sulley C. (2015). Health and Well-being: Texas Statewide Sexual Assault Prevalence. Austin, TX: Institute on Domestic Violence Sexual Assault, The University of Texas at Austin.
Busch-Armendariz, N. B., Sulley, C., & Olaya-Rodriguez, D. (2015). Sexual Assault Kit Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Crime Lab Case Reviews Phase III: Narratives. Austin, TX: Institute on Domestic Violence Sexual Assault, The University of Texas at Austin.
Busch-Armendariz, N. B., Sulley, C., & Olaya-Rodriguez, D. (2015). A Multidisciplinary, Action Research Approach to Sexual Assault Kit Case Reviews. Austin, TX: Institute on Domestic Violence Sexual Assault, The University of Texas at Austin.
Olaya Rodriguez, D. (2015). Women Building a Territory of Peace in Colombia: Systematization of Experience of Colombian Women’s Organizations, Networks, and Platforms. UN Women, Bogotá, Colombia.
Newsletters & Other publications
Busch-Armendariz, N. B. & Olaya-Rodriguez, D. (April 2015). The Prevalence of Sexual Assault in Texas—It’s Staggering. Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) Newsletter.
Olaya-Rodriguez, D. Building Young Researchers in the Trenches (2014). Sidebar to the article: How NIJ is Building the Nation’s Research Infrastructure by Andrew Marcoux. National Institute of Justice Journal issue 274.