Before you start medical school, you will likely have thousands of questions about what it is like to be a medical student. We have answers written by people who know best — actual medical students.

The Gateway Curriculum

Learn more about the classes we take and how we engage in medicine and our community through trauma-informed care. 

Clinical Skills

What does it mean to practice medicine? How do you communicate with patients? What is vital information and diagnostic reasoning?

Support and Resources

The tools and networks available to help us succeed in medical school and beyond.

Feedback Integration

WashU values its students’ feedback. Learn how WashU continually adapts its curriculum.

Study Styles

Not everyone learns the same way. Hear from various students on their ability to adapt the information and experience to their preferred style.

Study Locations

Finding a home for the next four
(or more) years.

Social Events

With so many class- and society-sponsored events it is easy to make fast friends to keep you company during your med school journey.