Hunter Yamada presents poster at MWZFC

Hunter Yamada (Mokalled Lab) presented a poster at the Midwest Zebrafish Conference on May 20-22. “Molecular and genetic tracing of progenitor cells during innate spinal cord repair”

Anna Wilson published an article in STAR Protocols

Congratulations to Anna who is a co-author on a publication from the Gutmann lab in STAR Protocols, titled “Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cerebral organoids for cellular and molecular characterization.” 2022 Feb 8;3(1):101173.

Michelle Pham will present at Pediatric Endocrine Society Meeting

Michelle’s abstract titled “Creating a Transgenic Mouse Model to Study the Role of FGF21 in Insulin-Mediated Pseudoacromegaly” has been selected for an oral presentation at the Pediatric Endocrine Society meeting on April 28-May 1. Congrats Michelle!

Mason Schmidt co-author on pre-print

Congratulations to Mason who is a co-author on a pre-print from the Millman lab, “Multiomic profiling defines cell fate plasticity of in vitro-derived islets.” bioRxiv

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