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Group Members
Prof. Thomas E. Mallouk, 2019 Marcus Award Winner, visits our lab.
Prof. Chistopher B. Murray, 2018 Marcus Award Winner, visits our lab.
Professor Liangbing Hu visits our lab!
Prof. Jennifer Lewis, 2017 Marcus Award Winner, visits our lab.
Celebrating end of Fall 2017 and brainstorming at Three Kings.
Shinjita and her uber cool SPECTRA Lightscape image.
Yang’s winning SPECTRA Lightscape image.
Hanging out at the medical school for SPECTRA Lightscape.
Halloween at WashU with our laser inscribed pumpkin.
Nobel Laureate William E. Moerner visits our lab.
Fabricating so many electrodes – nicely done Yifan!
Yang, Amy, Julio, and Lucky’s winning SPECTRA Lightscape image.
Bowling champions! (these great minds dress alike)
Lab training – we love microscopy!
Lab Equipment
Oxidizing solutions in petri dishes.
BioLogic VMP3 potentiostat/galvanostat channels.
Spectroelectrochemical liquid cell.
TA Instruments – Discovery thermogravimetric analyzer.
2450 Keithley Sourcemeter with in-house fabricated 3D printed probe station.
In-house fabricated chemical vapor deposition metal reactor.