Decoding and Encoding the Electrochemistry of Living Matter
Research Areas
Physical chemistry
Understanding the physicochemical driving forces of cellular functions
Engineering biology
New capabilities for cellular engineering, molecular sensing and precision medicine
Integrating electrochemical controls into living systems
Our preview for a fascinating work from Bozhi Tian’s lab (UChicago) and Gürol Süel
‘s lab (UCSD) is now online in Cell.
Our work on the electrochemical functions of biomolecular condensates is highlighted as the journal cover of Nature Chemical Biology.
Our work on the role of condensates in modulating cellular electrochemical equilibria is now online in Cell.
Our works are highlighted by Nature news article, “How phase separation is revolutionizing biology”, written by Elie Dolgin.
Our work published in Nature Reviews Bioengineering is featured as the journal cover of the July issue.
Our work on decoding the chemical features of condensate interface is now published in Chem and selected as a featured article.
Our work on programmable synthetic biomolecular condensates published in Nature Chemical Biology is featured as the journal cover of the April issue.