Sarah Adams is a Clinical Research Coordinator with the CTRLab and the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Expanded Registry (DIAN EXR), specializing in the implementation of Dr. Hassenstab’s remote cognitive assessments in DIAN participants and researcher-to-software developer translation services. She holds a BA in Psychology from McKendree University and an MS in Experimental Psychology from Western Illinois University. She previously worked in the Cognitive Control and Psychopathology Lab with Dr. Todd Braver on the Danforth campus of Washington University and as an animal caretaker at the Legendary Morgan Farm in Lebanon, IL. Under non-pandemic conditions, she attends fitness and martial arts classes to offset her primary hobby of having a terrible diet; enjoys reading, drawing, and spending time with the two members of her Cat Lady Starter Kit, Pippa and Voxel; and uses semicolons in sentences to show she has been to college.