Food Outreach helps local HIV/AIDS patients through nutrition and education

Written by Jessica Healey, marketing and event specialist at Food Outreach For more than 27 years, Food Outreach has continued to be the only nonprofit organization in the greater St. Louis area that focuses on providing vital nutritional support to low-income men, women and children with HIV/AIDS or cancer. An impassioned staff, along with 600 […]

A regional approach to improving STI care

In November, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released two reports detailing the increasing rates of sexually transmitted infections in the US. As a provider of care for patients with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV, increasing rates of all STIs are a great concern to me. National STI data indicates that rates […]

Linking community members to key resources with 2-1-1

Written by Regina L. Greer, vice president of community response at United Way of Greater St. Louis Imagine being a first responder that saves a family from their severely damaged home; a concerned citizen witnessing devastation and grief on the faces of your neighbors on TV; or a parent seeking food, water, and toiletries for […]

First-year medical students volunteer in urban gardens

The Washington University Record recently reported on a volunteer opportunity for first-year medical students, allowing them to volunteer at City Seeds Urban Farm through Gateway Greening. The experience tied together some of what the students learned during the Washington University Medical Plunge (WUMP), which addressed community health issues including food insecurity and malnutrition.

Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) partnership in St. Louis

Written by Kara Lubischer, MUPPD, community development specialist at University of Missouri Extension The HEAL Partnership is working to reduce obesity in the City of St. Louis by increasing access to healthier foods. The problem How close do you live to the nearest grocery store? If you live in the City of St. Louis, chances are […]

Creating economic opportunity in St. Louis

Written by Jason Q. Purnell, PhD, associate professor in the Brown School Last year, the For the Sake of All project team released a series of policy briefs and a report that analyzed the data around health disparities in the St. Louis region and outlined a set of recommendations to help close the gap. This […]

Behind the scenes at the St. Louis County Department of Health

Written by Eleanor Peters, epidemiology manager in the Division of Communicable Disease Control Services at the St. Louis Country Department of Public Health. The functions of a health department vary by region based on the priorities of the citizens it serves. Some functions are mandated by state government whereas others are considered best practices and […]

On relationships and public health

Written by Jason Q. Purnell, PhD, associate professor in the Brown School Several years later, I am still disappointed by how my brief interaction with a talented young man at one of St. Louis’s most challenged high schools ended. I heard him speak passionately of his career plans at a meeting on tackling high school […]