The Center for Community Health Partnership & Research provides financial support through the Institute of Clinical & Translational Sciences (ICTS) and the Institute for Public Health.
Capacity Building Support
The ICTS responds to top needs for capacity building identified by community organizations: leadership, communication, data management and evaluation. These capacity areas are essential for developing, implementing, and sustaining programs that improve community health and well-being. The Capacity Building Fund provides individualized technical assistance to organizations.
Clinical and Translational Research Funding Program
As an internal grant funding program of the ICTS, the Clinical and Translational Research Funding Program (CTRFP) awards projects that promote the translation of scientific discoveries into improvement in human health.
Awards will be considered for:
- Clinical/Translational Projects whose goals are to promote the translation of scientific discoveries into human health. Awards in this category will provide up to $50,000 direct costs for 1 year.
- Community-Engaged Research Projects that involve established partnerships with communities and/or stakeholders whose health and well-being and/or service provision could be most impacted by the research. Awards in this category will provide up to $50,000 direct costs for 1 year.
- Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design Project provide up to $25,000 for 1 year to facilitate innovative methodology development with clinical and translational science needs.
Partnership Development & Sustainability Support
The Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences provides ICTS investigators and their community partner(s) with up to $10,000 to develop the trust, infrastructure, capacity, and skills needed to support future collaborative grant opportunities. The PDSS is open to new partnerships in development, as well as existing partnerships.
Community Partnership Seed Funding
By invitation only, researchers and community organizations can apply for funding to support initial planning and collaboration meetings, priority and agenda setting, identification of community-engaged principles and the initial development of a memorandum of understanding.
To learn more, contact
Institute for Public Health Funding Programs
The Institute for Public Health offers several funding opportunities throughout the year, including rapid seed funding.