
Introducing the new Center for Community Health Partnership & Research

Working with community members, physicians, and organizations to improve health in our region and end related disparities is central to the public health mission at Washington University. The university’s Institute for Public Health and the Institute of Clinical & Translational Sciences are combining their centers focused on community health—the Center for Community Health Partnerships and Center for Community Engaged Research, respectively—to form a combined entity that can better fulfill this vision.

The new center will be called Center for Community Health Partnership & Research and will be housed under both units. The merged center will provide us with new opportunities to unify our community health initiatives both within the university and the broader community,” said Bradley A. Evanoff, MD, MPH director of the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences.

Leaders from the Institute for Public Health and Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences have worked together to develop goals and objectives for the Center for Community Health Partnership and Research. These include:

  • Serve as a resource for community stakeholders, faculty members, students and trainees for collaborative community health initiatives, community health partnerships, and community‐engaged research;
  • Build and sustain community partnerships toward advancing health;
  • Facilitate active engagement and participation by community stakeholders as partners in all stages of clinical and translational research processes to improve community health;
  • Develop a coordinated, more integrated approach to community‐academic partnerships relating to improved health across the university; and
  • Provide education and training on community‐engaged research and partnerships.

We look forward to the Center for Community Health Partnership and Research building upon the excellent foundation of the Center for Community-Engaged Research and Center for Community Health Partnerships. Forming this new center will help the university better connect with and serve the greater community and strengthen our ability to improve outcomes for everyone in the St. Louis region,” said William G. Powderly, MD, director of the Institute for Public Health.

Center leadership will include Richelle S. Clark, MHA, MBA; Angela Brown, MD; and Jane Garbutt, MBChB.

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