SPIN Search Tool

WU’s subscription database with over 40,000 opportunities from more than 10,000 sponsors.

The Engineering Funding Opportunities Newsletter

Sign up for and access the archive of bi-weekly engineering funding announcements.

Let us help you on the path to submission.

Contact your pre-award support specialist to assist with your funding search and proposal submission plan.

Funding Opportunities


COVID-19 Funding Opportunities as edited by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research

Funding Opportunity Lists and Search Tools

SPIN Search Tool

  • SPIN provides intuitive and easily customizable access to the most extensive research funding opportunity database on earth. Tools are provided that are geared towards both individual and administrative users, and SPIN provides both active searching as well as automated, daily opportunity notifications. SPIN can be accessed by logging into rms.wustl.edu using your WUSTL Key and clicking SPIN in the left sidebar.
  • Visit the Identify Funding Webpage to learn about how to tailor a SPIN search for your needs.

Funding News

Funding Opportunity Lists

Federal Sponsor Lists
Internal Selections/Limited Submission Announcements

An internal selection is required when an external sponsor limits the number of applications that can be submitted by a single institution. (Examples include center grants, instrumentation grants, and some early career grants.)
WU Internal Selections monitors and posts opportunities from funders with limited submissions. Check WU internal deadlines for these programs.

Junior Faculty Grants & Awards

Internal Seed Funding

Internal funding opportunities at WU.

OVCR Funding Website

Site edited by the WU Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. Includes funding search tips, guides to federal funding, internal funding, internal selections, and more.

Corporate and Foundation Relations

If your sponsor is a corporation or non-profit foundation, please contact the WU representatives from Corporate and Foundation Relations to discuss your proposal before submission. Contacts and information about sponsorship through corporations and private foundations.

Center Grant Opportunities

View OVCR list of center-level grant opportunities.

Graduate Student & Postdoc Funding

Select List opportunities for graduate students and trainees.

Master Research Agreements

Master Research Agreements (MRAs) set forth the terms and conditions for multiple sponsored research projects as part of formalized agreements between the University and companies. The aim of an MRA is to establish a long-term strategic relationship that may include multiple projects involving one or more entities within the University and company. Projects contemplated under an MRA are related in some way(s) that make it reasonable to establish a common set of terms and conditions.

Such agreements can create more opportunities for research and collaboration, as well as increase research dollars and patentable and publishable technologies for the University. MRAs can also result in a strengthening of the strategic relationship between the University and company, leading to benefits beyond the contracted projects. Finally, such relationships, once established, can streamline the contracting process.

For more information, please contact researchcontracts@wusm.wustl.edu.

WU Master Agreements Summary Table

Start-up Funds

Start-Up Fund Summary


Curated Sponsor List by Alpha

Learn more about federal, non-governmental, and local sponsors that support engineering and STEM.

Sponsor Presentation Archive

Access BOX folder with presentation from sponsor representatives and visitors.

WU Opportunities

McKelvey Internal Funding Opportunities

See McKelvey and WU internal funding.

WU Internal Funding Opportunities

View a list of seed funding available by WU sources to internal partners.

Master Agreements

Master Research Agreements (MRAs) establish agreements between the University and companies to cooperate in sponsored research projects. The aim of an MRA is to establish a long-term strategic relationship that may include multiple projects involving one or more entities within the University and company.

National Security Innovation Network (NSIN)

NSIN, the National Security Innovation Network, is a United States Department of Defense (DoD) program that seeks to create new communities of innovators to solve national security problems. NSIN has partnered with WashU to amplify the collaboration between the government and the private sectors and redefine the National Security Innovation Base.

Featured: DOD Opportunity Lists