Bring Research to Product and Practice

  • Are you developing a technology that can be translated as a real-world application?
  • Do you have an invention that needs a patent and licensing?
  • Are you considering partnerships with industrial partners?
  • Perhaps you are starting your own small business to drive your research product to market.

Resources below provide information about translating your research into product and protecting your intellectual property.


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Master Research Agreements (MRAs)

Agreements between WU and company partners with the aim of establishing a long-term strategic relationship that may include multiple projects involving the University and company. Contact

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National Security Innovation Network (NSIN) and WU Partnership

WU partnership in the Department of Defense’s National Security Innovation Network. Aim: to amplify the collaboration between the government and private sector and redefine the National Security Innovation Base.


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Faculty Fellows in Entrepreneurship

Advising WU faculty and small companies founded by WU personnel on university policies and administrative requirements for proposals and startup companies

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WU SBIR/STTR Guidelines

University guidelines for Faculty Participation in SBIR and STTR

Entrepreneurship and Acceleration

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Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property Clinic

The WU Law School Entrepreneurship & Intellectual Property (EIP) Clinic

The Clinic offers business and transactional legal advice and services to new and emerging nonprofit and qualifying for-profit organizations. Under the supervision of experienced transactional and intellectual property attorneys, student attorneys work directly with entrepreneurial organizations serving the community.

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Faculty Fellows in Entrepreneurship

Advising WU faculty and small companies founded by WU personnel on university policies and administrative requirements for proposals and startup companies

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The Skandalaris Center

Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship

An interdisciplinary center striving to develop creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship at Washington University.

Invention Disclosure, Patents, and Licensing

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Intellectual Property Policy

Governing WU research, inventions and other discoveries

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Office of Technology Management

Mission: Pair cutting-edge WU research with expertise and exceptional service in order to create a pipeline of opportunities that can benefit society.

OTM acts as a resource for faculty in the areas of copyrights; patent prosecution; material transfer agreements; consulting agreements; marketing; licensing

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University Policy: Open Research

Open Research and Free Dissemination of Ideas and Information

Resource List

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WU SBIR/STTR Guidelines

University guidelines for Faculty Participation in SBIR and STTR

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University Policy: Open Research

Open Research and Free Dissemination of Ideas and Information

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The Skandalaris Center

Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship

An interdisciplinary center striving to develop creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship at Washington University.

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Office of Technology Management

Mission: Pair cutting-edge WU research with expertise and exceptional service in order to create a pipeline of opportunities that can benefit society.

OTM acts as a resource for faculty in the areas of copyrights; patent prosecution; material transfer agreements; consulting agreements; marketing; licensing

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National Security Innovation Network (NSIN) and WU Partnership

WU partnership in the Department of Defense’s National Security Innovation Network. Aim: to amplify the collaboration between the government and private sector and redefine the National Security Innovation Base.

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Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs)

Guide and procedures to sharing materials with partner institutions and researchers

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Intellectual Property Policy

Governing WU research, inventions and other discoveries

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Faculty Fellows in Entrepreneurship

Advising WU faculty and small companies founded by WU personnel on university policies and administrative requirements for proposals and startup companies

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Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property Clinic

The WU Law School Entrepreneurship & Intellectual Property (EIP) Clinic

The Clinic offers business and transactional legal advice and services to new and emerging nonprofit and qualifying for-profit organizations. Under the supervision of experienced transactional and intellectual property attorneys, student attorneys work directly with entrepreneurial organizations serving the community.