Understand guidelines and regulations that govern your sponsored funds.
Your sponsor will include applicable terms and conditions in your award. Depending upon the funding source, ie. whether it is a non-federal or federal award, the sponsor may refer you to broad agency-, state-, or federal-wide guidelines.
Terms and conditions that apply to your award may include those from:
- the sponsor.
- terms and conditions of the award.
- other applicable general guidelines from the sponsor (i.e. a handbook or award management guide).
- WU institutional guidelines.
- state and/or local regulations.
- federal regulations (e.g. the Uniform Guidance and the NSF PAPPG or NIH Grant Policy Statement).
In cases when the institutional, state, federal and/or sponsor guidelines differ regarding the same issue, the most restrictive guidelines apply.
Institutional Guidelines
Sponsored Expenditures Guidelines
Guidance on appropriate budgeting and expenditures of federal and non-federal sponsored funds directed toward research, training, or other purposes
Federal Guidelines
Prior Approval Letter Matrix – SPA
Guide to when prior approval letters are required – guide by SPA and OSRS
Prior Approval Matrix – FDP
Matrix depicting when sponsor pre-approval is required on federal funds.
Small Business Subcontracting Plan Guide (OVCR)
Requirement for federal contracts and subawards with over $700,000 total costs.
Uniform Guidance (UG)
Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards