Read and watch summaries of recent research on child maltreatment, created by CICM-affiliated professors and students.

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Household Food Insecurity and Parent-to-Child Aggression

Household Food Insecurity and Parent-to-Child Aggression

Research Brief

A study by Helton et al. (2018) used longitudinal data to see whether household food insecurity was associated with caregiver aggression toward children.

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Racial/Ethnic Differences in CPS Reporting, Substantiation and Placement, With Comparison to Non-CPS Risks and Outcomes: 2005–2019

Racial/Ethnic Differences in CPS Reporting, Substantiation and Placement, With Comparison to Non-CPS Risks and Outcomes: 2005–2019

Research Brief

Drake et al. (2023) used 15 years of child welfare data to compare outcomes of Black, Hispanic, and White children within and outside CPS.

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The Moderating Role of Child Maltreatment in Treatment Efficacy for Adolescent Depression

The Moderating Role of Child Maltreatment in Treatment Efficacy for Adolescent Depression

Research Brief

Toth et al. (2020) conducted a study on the effectiveness of IPT-A in low-income adolescent girls with depression, with and without a history of child maltreatment.

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Child and adolescent maltreatment patterns and risk of eating disorder behaviors developing in young adulthood

Child and adolescent maltreatment patterns and risk of eating disorder behaviors developing in young adulthood

Research Brief

Ziobrowski et al. (2021) used a series of national surveys to understand the relationship between experiencing maltreatment in childhood and developing disordered eating behaviors in young adulthood.

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The politics of child welfare

The politics of child welfare

Research Brief

Brown et al. (2021) examined the relationship between a state’s political leanings and child welfare policies and funding.

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Scaling up housing services within the child welfare system

Scaling up housing services within the child welfare system

Research Brief

Fowler et al. (2020) used computer simulation to test various policies around housing vouchers and their impact on child welfare outcomes.

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Caregiver Physical Health and Child Maltreatment Reports and Rereports

Caregiver Physical Health and Child Maltreatment Reports and Rereports

Research Brief

Chiang et al. (2020) examined the association between the physical health of a child’s caregiver and reports of child maltreatment.

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Exploring Bullying Perpetration and Victimization Among Adolescent Girls in the Child Welfare System

Exploring Bullying Perpetration and Victimization Among Adolescent Girls in the Child Welfare System

Research Brief

The brief reviews Sterzing et al. (2020)’s article discussing the role types (bully-only, victim-only, bully-victim, and noninvolved roles) of adolescent girls in the child welfare system.

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Patterns of Child Maltreatment and the Development of Conflictual Emerging Adult Romantic Relationships

Patterns of Child Maltreatment and the Development of Conflictual Emerging Adult Romantic Relationships

Research Brief

Handley et al. (2021) examined the effect of child maltreatment on the development of unhealthy romantic relationships in emerging adulthood.

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Kids in foster care are still kids, and they need support

Kids in foster care are still kids, and they need support

Media Mention

Dr. Katie Plax wrote an opinion piece for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in February 2023 advocating for support for kids in foster care.

Legislating to Prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences

Legislating to Prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences

Brief Review

Crowley et al. (2021) studied the impact of research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on state policies.

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Child sex abuse cases treated in ERs rose more than 70% in seven years, study says

Child sex abuse cases treated in ERs rose more than 70% in seven years, study says

Media Mention

In November 2019, CNNHealth reported on a study led by Jesse Helton that identified an increase in children admitted to the ER for injuries related to sexual abuse between 2010-2016.

Can an Algorithm Tell When Kids Are in Danger?

Can an Algorithm Tell When Kids Are in Danger?

Media Mention

Dan Hurley from the New York Times interviewed Emily Putnam-Hornstein and Brett Drake for an article in January 2018 looking at the use of predictive algorithms to screen families for child welfare investigation.

Concerns about unreported child abuse loom large despite easing Covid restrictions

Concerns about unreported child abuse loom large despite easing Covid restrictions

Media Mention

In July 2021, CNNPolitics interviewed Melissa Jonson-Reid about the potential impact of COVID re-opening plans on child welfare referrals.

Addressing racial disparity in autism outcomes

Addressing racial disparity in autism outcomes

Media Mention

John Constantino co-wrote an article for the St. Louis American in November 2019 about racial disparities in autism spectrum disorder diagnosis, and how his research team is trying to address this disparity through early diagnosis and intervention.

SLU Is Training People To Intervene With Empathy In Tense Parent-Child Interactions

SLU Is Training People To Intervene With Empathy In Tense Parent-Child Interactions

Media Mention

Nancy Weaver went on St. Louis Public Radio in January 2020 to discuss Support Over Silence for KIDS, a bystander training program that helps community members support families in stressful public situations. Read the article by Evie Hemphill and listen to the podcast here.

Documenting Opportunity for Systematic Identification and Mitigation of Risk for Child Maltreatment

Documenting Opportunity for Systematic Identification and Mitigation of Risk for Child Maltreatment

Research Brief

This brief summarizes a letter to the editor by Tandon et al. (2022) about a new study using birth records to estimate child maltreatment risk and provide targeted intervention and support for families.

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The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Protection System Referrals and Responses in Colorado, USA

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Protection System Referrals and Responses in Colorado, USA

Research Brief

This brief summarizes a study by Brown et al. (2022) which analyzes CPS data in Colorado in the first months of the COVID pandemic.

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The Accrual of Parent Reported Adverse Childhood Experiences Following a Child Protective Services Investigation

The Accrual of Parent Reported Adverse Childhood Experiences Following a Child Protective Services Investigation

Research Brief

This brief reviews an article by Helton et al. (2022) that examined adversity outcomes for children who remained in-home following a CPS investigation.

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Child Maltreatment, Recent Stressful Life Events, and Suicidal Ideation

Child Maltreatment, Recent Stressful Life Events, and Suicidal Ideation

Research Brief

This brief summarizes an article by Duprey et al. (2021) that examines the relationship between early child abuse and neglect, recent stressful events, and suicidal ideation among low-income teenage girls with depression.

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Homelessness in the Child Welfare System

Homelessness in the Child Welfare System

Research Brief

This brief reviews Fowler et al. (2018)’s article about the impact of federally-funded housing subsidies on child welfare placement.

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Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Adolescent Girls in Child Welfare

Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Adolescent Girls in Child Welfare

Research Brief

Auslander et al. (2020) conducted a randomized control trial of a cognitive-behavioral intervention for adolescents involved with the child welfare system, and its effects on symptoms related to trauma exposure.

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Victimization and Adversity in Child Welfare Involved Youth

Victimization and Adversity in Child Welfare Involved Youth

Research Brief

This brief reviews a study by Lombardi et al. (2021) that uses national survey data of youth involved in the child welfare system to better understand the relationship between a broad range of childhood adversity events and behavioral health outcomes.

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Effects of Pathways Triple P on Pediatric Health-Related Quality of Life in Maltreated Children

Effects of Pathways Triple P on Pediatric Health-Related Quality of Life in Maltreated Children

Research Brief

This brief reports the results of a randomized control trial for Pathways Triple P, an in-home intervention program for families in the child welfare system.

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Urban-Rural Residence and Child Physical Abuse Hospitalizations: A National Incidence Study

Urban-Rural Residence and Child Physical Abuse Hospitalizations: A National Incidence Study

Research Brief

This brief looks at the relationship between urban and rural residence and hospitalization for child physical abuse.

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A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Children’s Behavioral Health Interventions in Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities

A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Children’s Behavioral Health Interventions in Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities

Research Brief

This brief summarizes a systematic review done by Lanier et al. (2020), which evaluates the effectiveness of interventions for youth in psychiatric residential treatment facilities.

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The Fight to Protect the Indian Child Welfare Act

The Fight to Protect the Indian Child Welfare Act


Our community partner, the National Indian Child Welfare Association, created this one-page brief in support of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), as it is currently being challenged at the Supreme Court in Brackeen v. Haaland.

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In What Kinds of Communities Do People on the Sex Offender Registry Live?

In What Kinds of Communities Do People on the Sex Offender Registry Live?

Research Brief

This brief summarizes an article by Drake et al. (2021), who analyzed residence data of registered sex offenders from 10 states to understand what community factors predict RSO residency.

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Disentangling Neglect From Poverty

Disentangling Neglect From Poverty

Policy Brief

This policy brief discusses the distinction between poverty and neglect, and provides recommendations for local, state, and federal policymakers to prevent and intervene in cases of neglect.

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Evaluation of Support Over Silence for KIDS

Video Brief

Dr. Nancy Weaver explains the results of an evaluation of Support Over Silence for KIDS, a bystander training program.

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Unintentional Child Injury in Child Welfare Placements

Video Brief

Dr. Nancy Weaver explains the results of a study conducted with Dr. Jesse Helton that examines the factors related to unintentional child injury, including child welfare placement type, child behavioral problems, caregiver characteristics, and neighborhood factors.


COVID-19 and its Impacts on Child Abuse and Neglect

COVID-19 and its Impacts on Child Abuse and Neglect

Policy Brief

This brief was compiled for Prevent Child Abuse America by Brown School students.

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Benefits and Outcomes of Formal and Informal Kinship Placement

Brief Review

This brief was provided for the National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) by Julia Hughes, a research assistant at the Center for Innovation in Child Maltreatment Policy, Research & Training.

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