Our Mission:

As of 2010, China has more than 700,000 orphans in the country. Many of these children are abandoned by their parents because of medical issues that they cannot afford to treat: these families believe that leaving their children in the hands of others will give them better lives. However, in many cases, these orphans still do not receive much-needed surgeries and face difficulties in being adopted. China Care Club aims to fund surgeries and the foster families that adopt these orphans, in the interest of increasing their chances of having healthy, happy lives.

China Care not only focuses on bringing joy to orphans in China, but we also work with adopted children in our local St. Louis community. To do this, we volunteer with the local FCC (Families with Children from China) division to host our youth ‘Dumplings Playgroup’ events. During these meetings, we mentor adorable Chinese adoptees and introduce them to varying aspects of Chinese culture. More importantly, we strive to serve as positive role models for these children.

In addition, China Care actively raises awareness of China’s orphan situation through a variety of speaker panels, film screenings, and discussion groups. We fundraise for OneSky to either sponsor an orphan’s education or support a foster family of 3-5 children.