Hwang, H.G. & Markson, L. (2023). Black and White children’s race-based information endorsement and teacher preference: Effects of school and neighborhood racial demographics. Developmental Psychology, .
Lu, M., Hennefield, L, Tillman, R., & Markson, L. (2022). Optimistic children engage in more constructive risk-taking behaviors. International Journal of Behavioral Development.
Marrus, N., Botteron, K., Hawks, Z., Pruett Jr., J.R., Elison, J., Jackson, J., Markson, L., Eggebrecht, A., Zwaigenbaum, L., Dager, S., Estes, A., Hazlett, H., Schultz, R., Piven, J., & Constantino, J.N. for the IBIS Network. (2022). Social motivation in infancy is associated with familial recurrence of ASD. Development and Psychopathology.
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Hawks, Z., Todorov, A., Marrus, N., Nishino, T., Talovic, M., Nebel, M., Girault, J. , Davis, S., Marek, S., Seitzman, B., Eggebrecht, A., Elison, J., Dager, S., Mosconi, M., Tychsen, L., Snyder, A.Z., Botteron, K., Estes, A., Evans, A., Gerig, G., Hazlett, H., McKinstry, R., Pandey, J., Schultz, R., Styner, M., Wolff, J., Zwaigenbaum, L., Markson, L., Petersen, S.E., Constantino, J.N., White, D.A., Piven, J., & Pruett Jr., J.R. for the IBIS Network. (2021). A prospective examination of infant cerebellar functional connectivity in relation to autism behavior development. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science.
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