Resources for Parents
- We Stories uses diverse children’s books to help parents start and strengthen family conversations about race and racism, and connects those parents to parents like them who are navigating these conversations too.
- EyeSeeMe is the only children’s bookstore devoted exclusively to promoting positive African American Images and African American History while advocating for Academic Excellence. (located in University City)
- PBS Kids for Parents helps parents approach conversations surrounding race and racism with young kids through articles, educational videos, and children’s books
- Early Risers is a podcast series that uses personal stories and tips to help parents raise racially conscious children
- Raising an Anti-Racist Child has resources such as books, podcasts, and guides to help parents evaluate their thoughts on race and help raise children against racism
- Embrace Race is a multiracial community of parents, teachers, experts, and other caring adults who support each other to meet the challenges that race poses to our children, families, and communities.