Curious about Children’s Emotional Development?

We are too!

Seeking 4- to 14-year olds for Research Studies

Our research investigates cognitive, social, and emotional development and mental health in children and adolescents

Active Studies:

12- and 15-year-olds

Hormones, Emotions, and Relationships Study

We are seeking 12-15-year-old girls and their biological mothers to participate in a study investigating how mood sensitivity to hormonal changes across the menstrual cycle impact girls’ emotional development. If you’re interested in this study please send us your contact info (click the sign up button) and we’ll be in touch with more details!

For more information feel free to contact Christina at (314) 286-2705,, or sign up below and we will contact you regarding the study!

4- to 7-year-olds


The Suicidal Thoughts and Actions Research in Kids (STARK) project is examining what young children know about the concept of suicide, along with risk factors for experiencing suicidality early in life. We are seeking children who have and have not experienced suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The study consists of one 3 hour in-person assessment. Children play games, tell stories with a researcher, and complete an EEG, while parents complete an interview and fill out several other surveys. Families will receive $110 and children get a small prize!

For more information, visit our website or contact Christina at, (314) 286-2705.

No longer Recruiting

Emotional Changes in Middle Childhood Study

Curious about the emotional changes 7- and 8-year-olds go through? We are too!

We are seeking 7- and 8-year-olds and their parents to come in for a single study visit lasting 2-3 hours. Children will play games and complete an EEG and parents will answer questions about their children’s behavior. Families will receive $75 and children get a small prize! 

No longer actively recruiting participants. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Christina at (314) 273-7493 or at