What is SMART?

The ICS (budesonide or mometasone) component reduces inflammation. It reduces asthma symptoms and decreases the risk of sudden asthma exacerbations or flares.

The LABA component (formoterol) quickly relieves asthma symptoms by relaxing the muscles around the airways. Formoterol is the only LABA usable with SMART due to its quick action.


  • SMART is the recommended treatment for moderate-to-severe persistent asthma in adolescents and adults.  
  • There are several reasons SMART is preferred:
    • With SMART, only one MDI is needed for maintenance and relief. This may make it easier to not mix up inhalers.
    • SMART reduces asthma attacks by 32% and decreases the risk of:
      • Use of the systemic corticosteroids
      • Unscheduled medical visits for asthma
      • Hospitalizations for asthma

Insurance and SMART

Barriers to widespread SMART usage