
An adolescent is a person in the phase of life between childhood and adulthood, from ages 10 to 19.


Airways are the tubes in your body that let air in and out of your lungs when you breathe.


A medicine that helps you breathe more easily. It’s often used by people who have asthma.


Asthma is a chronic lung disease that affects both children and adults of all ages. Asthma is caused by inflammation within the lungs. This can lead to muscle tightening around the airways that that can make it hard to breathe.


A medicine that relaxes the muscles around your airways to help you breathe more easily.


A medication that combines two different drugs to help control asthma symptoms. It reduces inflammation and opens up the airways.

Chronic Disease Management 

Taking care of a health problem that can be controlled but not cured (like asthma). This can include taking medicine, going to the doctor, and making healthy choices.

Community Health Center/Providers 

A place where people go to get health care. The people who work there, like doctors and nurses, are called providers.

Controller Medication 

Medicine that people with asthma take every day to help stop asthma attacks before they start. 


A medication that reduces swelling and inflammation. People are often prescribed pill corticosteroids when they have an asthma attack.


When asthma gets much worse. This is also called an asthma attack or asthma flare.

Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)

A health center that gets money from the government to help people get health care, even if they can’t pay a lot of money for it. 

Guideline Recommendations/GINA 

Advice from experts about how to take care of a health problem. GINA stands for Global Initiative for Asthma, which is a group of experts who give advice about how to treat asthma. 

Health Education 

Learning about how to take care of your health. 


To breathe air into the lungs. 

Inhaled Corticosteroid (ICS) 

A type of medicine for asthma. It is breathed in through the mouth to help reduce inflammation in the lungs. 


When things aren’t fair. In health, it might mean that some people don’t get the same chance to be healthy as others. 


When a part of the body becomes red, swollen, and can be painful. In asthma, inflammation happens in the airways of the lungs. 

Long-Acting Beta-Agonist (LABA)

A type of medicine that helps keep the airways in the lungs open for a longer period of time.

Maintenance Inhaler

A type of asthma inhaler that is used every day to help prevent asthma attacks (exacerbations). 

Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI)

A device for asthma that delivers the medicine into your lungs.

Patient-Centered Care 

When doctors and nurses make sure to think about what the patient wants and needs when they are deciding how to treat them. 


A type of pill medicine that can be used to treat an asthma attack (exacerbation). Prednisone reduces inflammation in the lungs.

Preventive Care 

Things you do to keep from getting sick. For example, taking an asthma controller medication is a type of preventive care because it helps prevent asthma attacks. 

Primary Care 

The main doctor or nurse who helps you take care of your health. 


A doctor who knows a lot about the lungs and diseases that can affect the lungs, like asthma. 


A plan for how to take care of your health. This could include when and how to take medicine, what to eat, and when to exercise. 

Reliever Inhaler 

An inhaler used to get quick relief from asthma symptoms. You take these medicines when you are coughing, wheezing, or short of breath from asthma in order to feel better.

Rescue Inhaler 

Another name for a reliever inhaler.

SMART Therapy (Single Maintenance and Reliever Therapy) 

A way to treat asthma that uses one inhaler for both daily control and quick relief of symptoms.

Social Determinants of Health 

Things about where a person lives, learns, works, and plays that can affect their health. 


Having to do with a person’s social and economic status, like how much money they make or how much education they have. 


A device used with a metered dose inhaler (MDI) to help get the medicine into the lungs better. Spacers help get more of the good inhaler medications into the lung.