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Disclosure of Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Crisis Settings

Disclosure of Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Crisis Settings

Guidance Note for Remote Service Provision

September 2022

This supplemental guide to our Gender-based Violence Disclosure Toolkit elaborates on approaches to Gender-based Violence disclosure in the context of remote service provision. “Remote service provision” refers to services that are provided at distance, usually through some form of communication technology instead of in person.

Gender-based Violence Disclosure in Humanitarian Contexts

Gender-based Violence Disclosure in Humanitarian Contexts

Case Study Country Brief: Greece, Kenya, Mexico

September 2022

These country briefs present research findings from our case study countries: Greece, Kenya and Mexico. Information from these case studies was combined with results of an online survey and extensive expert consultation (practitioners, migrant women) to develop the toolkit. We are grateful for everyone’s valuable insights.

Choosing to Speak, Learning to Hear

Choosing to Speak, Learning to Hear

Disclosure of Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Crisis Settings

September 2022

In this research report, we summarize findings from research in humanitarian crisis contexts in Greece, Kenya, and Mexico and present key takeaways related to the disclosure of gender-based violence in these settings. This report is available in five languages: Arabic, English, French, Greek, and Spanish.

Gender-based Violence Disclosure Toolkit

Gender-based Violence Disclosure Toolkit

Responding to Gender-based Violence Disclosure in Humanitarian Crisis Settings

September 2022

This Gender-based Violence (GBV) Disclosure Toolkit provides guidance on how to safely, ethically, and appropriately support and respond to disclosure of GBV in contexts impacted by displacement and other humanitarian crises.

Understanding Conflict Related Sexual Violence in Ethiopia

Understanding Conflict Related Sexual Violence in Ethiopia

Research Report 2022

In 2022, the Center for Human Rights, Gender and Migration and the Mukwege Foundation collaborated on a study focused on sexual violence occurring in the context of the current armed conflict in Ethiopia. Powered by a transdisciplinary research team of Brown School and School of Law students and external experts from the U.S. and Ethiopia, this research combined reliable open source material with key informant interview data to shed light on who was reportedly committing conflict related sexual violence, against whom, in what ways, and why. The study also examined relevant impacts on individuals and healthcare infrastructures in Northern Ethiopia. It covers the conflict period from November 2020 through May 2022.

The Silence I Carry

The Silence I Carry

Practitioners’ Toolkit for Mexico

Revised 2020

After co-development with local policymakers and practitioners in 2019-2020, the Center for Human Rights, Gender and Migration team finalized this practice toolkit on approaching sexual and gender-based violence disclosure among migrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers coming through Mexico.

Intimate Partner Violence and Asylum in the Americas

Intimate Partner Violence and Asylum in the Americas


This report addresses the under-examined intersection between intimate partner violence and refugee protection in the Americas region. Despite high rates of intimate partner violence (IPV) in the Americas, scant information exists about whether and how IPV survivors are able to secure international protection on the basis of these experiences.

COVID-19 and Intimate Partner Violence

COVID-19 and Intimate Partner Violence

Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women

June 2020

We teamed up with the St. Louis Area Violence Prevention Commission to answer a call for information from the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, regarding COVID-19’s impacts on domestic violence against women.