Choosing to Speak, Learning to Hear

Choosing to Speak, Learning to Hear

Disclosure of Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Crisis Settings

September 2022

In this research report, we summarize findings from research in humanitarian crisis contexts in Greece, Kenya, and Mexico and present key takeaways related to the disclosure of gender-based violence in these settings. This report is available in five languages: Arabic, English, French, Greek, and Spanish.

Gender-based Violence Disclosure Toolkit

Gender-based Violence Disclosure Toolkit

Responding to Gender-based Violence Disclosure in Humanitarian Crisis Settings

September 2022

This Gender-based Violence (GBV) Disclosure Toolkit provides guidance on how to safely, ethically, and appropriately support and respond to disclosure of GBV in contexts impacted by displacement and other humanitarian crises.

The Silence I Carry

The Silence I Carry

Practitioners’ Toolkit for Mexico

Revised 2020

After co-development with local policymakers and practitioners in 2019-2020, the Center for Human Rights, Gender and Migration team finalized this practice toolkit on approaching sexual and gender-based violence disclosure among migrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers coming through Mexico.