
McDonnell Academy Partner meeting at 2013 World Congress

In June 2013 the Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging at the Institute for Public Health at Washington University in St. Louis hosted a meeting prior to the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatric’s World Congress in Seoul, South Korea. The meeting was the first opportunity for scholars working in aging to connect and begin to shape the direction of the Global Aging Initiative. Over 60 scholars, representing 28 organizations and institutions, were in attendance. (Refer to the meeting program (PDF) for a detailed list of attendees.)

Cross-National Research: What, Why and How?, Dean Edward Lawlor, Washington University | Presentation (PDF)

Case Example of Secondary Data: Marital Status and Mental Health, U.S. and Japan Comparison, Dr. Jim Raymo, University of Wisconsin-Madison | Presentation (PDF)

Meeting Summary (PDF)

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