Meredith Dodge-Melinder

Graduate Student, Deanna Barch

Meredith was a clinical graduate student specializing in neuropsychology. She is working with Dr. Deanna Barch. Her research interests center around cognitive neuropsychological models of language in schizophrenia and the relationship between language disturbances, executive functions and the semantic memory system. Meredith’s dissertation examined the relationship between the integrity and organization of the semantic system (as measured by semantic priming paradigms) and the presence of disorganized speech. Other ongoing projects include studies examining the affect that topic of speech has on language production in individuals with delusional beliefs, as well as studies examining semantic memory via verbal fluency in individuals with schizophrenia.


Goldberg, T.E., Dodge, M. , Aloia, M., Egan, M.F., & Weinberger, D.R. (2000). Effects of neuroleptic medications on speech disorganization in schizophrenia: biasing associate networks toward meaning. Psychological Medicine, 30, 1123-1130.

Dodge, M.R. & Goldberg, T.E. (1999). Associations between cognitive impairment and tardive dyskinesia: Another perspective. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 60, 17-21.

In Press

Bagner, D. M., Melinder, M.R.D. & Barch, D.M. (in submission). Language comprehension and working memory deficits in patients with schizophrenia.

In Submission

Dodge, M.R. & Barch, D.M. (in submission). The influence of working memory load manipulation on language production in Schizophrenia.

In Preparation

Melinder, M.R.D. & Barch, D.M. (in submission). Thought disorder in schizophrenia: Is form of speech influenced by content of speech?

Melinder, M.R.D. & Barch, D.M. (in preparation). Verbal fluency in schizophrenia: Is there evidence for a selective semantic deficit?