We utilize multi-omic and high-throughput screening approaches to investigate the regulation and function of circRNA and uncover the molecular mechanisms of circRNA-mediated disease.

We aim to uncover (i) the RNA elements, genomic features, and protein components
regulating the functions of circRNAs, (ii) the molecular mechanism of how circRNAs regulate cell physiology, and (iii) how circRNA dysregulation can lead to disease pathogenesis. Our long-term goal is to harness the unique properties of circRNAs to develop new tools for RNA-based technologies and therapeutic interventions.
Select Publications

Engineering circular RNA for enhanced protein production
Nature Biotechnology
July 2022
Chen R., Wang S.K., Belk J.A., Amaya L., Li Z., Cardenas A., Abe B.T., Chen C.-K., Wender P.A., and Chang H.Y.

Structured elemens drive extensive circular RNA translation
Molecular Cell
October 2021
Chen C.-K., Cheng R., Demeter J., Chen J., Weingarten-Gabbay S., Jiang L., Snyder M.P., Weissman J.S., Segal E., Jackson P.K., and Chang H.Y.

Xist recruits the X chromosome to the nuclear lamina to enable chromosome-wide silencing
August 2016
Chen C.-K., Blanco M., Jackson C., Aznauryan E., Ollikainen N., Surka C., Chow A., Cerase A., McDonel P., and Guttman M.

m(6)A RNA methylation promotes XIST-mediated transcriptional repression
September 2016
Patil D.P., Chen C.-K., Pickering B.F., Chow A., Jackson C., Guttman M., and Jaffrey S.R.

The Xist IncRNA interacts directly with SHARP to silence transcription through HDAC3
April 2015
McHugh C.A.*, Chen C.-K.*, Chow A., Surka C.F., Tran C., McDonel O., Pandya-Jones A., Blanco M., Burghard C., Moradian A., Sweredoski M.J., Shishkin A.A., Su J., Lander E.S., Hess S., Plath K., and Guttman M. *Co-first authors
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