Louetsié River, Gabon
Ogooué River, Gabon
Equipe Bafoul (Team Mormyrid), Bongolo, Gabon
Bambomo Creek, Gabon
Sunrise over Lake Nabugabo, Uganda
Field Electrophysiology, Uganda
Meeting of the Rio Negro and Rio Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil
Jammin on the Rio Negro, Brazil
Searching for Gymnotiformes, Brazil
Ngounie River, Gabon
Chutes de Bongolo (Bongolo Falls), Gabon
Lambaréné, Gabon
Behavioral Playback in the Field, Gabon
Hippo Grass and Papyrus on Lake Nabugabo, Uganda
Prospective Field Assistants, Uganda
Bullock-Heiligenberg Laboratory of Comparative Physiology, Manaus, Brazil
Rio Negro, Brazil
Transect at Petrol Lagoon in Lwamunda Swamp, Uganda