SCC positions overview: 

  • Executive team: President | Vice President | Secretary | Public Relations Chair 
  • Program representatives: MSW | MPH | MSP | Dual-degree 
  • Brown School-level representatives: International Student | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
  • WashU-level representatives: External Graduate Professional Council (GPC) | Internal Graduate Professional Council (GPC) 

Position Tenure & Elections Timeline

The Student Coordinating Council position tenures last for the duration of the calendar year; not the academic year. SCC positions are elected by the student body in November/December and then are held from January of the upcoming semester through the entire year. 

For entering first-years who start in the fall semester, your first opportunity to run for a full-term position on the council will be at the end of your first semester.

If any positions must be re-elected prior to the annual elections, a special election will be held. Special elections can be held at any point of the year, as determined by the current Council. 

Upcoming Election for 2024 SCC:

Elections for vacant SCC positions

  • Positions Open: Secretary, PR Chair, Dual-Degree Representative, and External GPC Representative
    • See position descriptions linked here.
  • Application opens/email sent out: 12/14
  • Application closes: 1/20 at 5pm
  • Vacant positions will be filled by a vote by the current 2024 SCC members.

Please email for any SCC election questions.