David Zhang | Ricky Illindala
BME 401
Group 04
Weekly Report #5
Concurrent Respiratory and Cardiac Cycle Monitoring for 4D Respiratory and Cardiac CT
The group spent this week working on finishing the upcoming progress report and progress report presentation. They also initiated their web page and uploaded the access link to the senior design Canvas page. They documented their research and Pugh chart in their LabArchives notebook. They met with both Dr. Klaesner and the AI Dominic Morticorena in separate meetings on Wednesday, 9/28 to review a rough draft of the progress report and the presentation outline respectively. The instructor’s feedback was recorded during the meeting and uploaded to the LabArchives shared notebook for documentation.
As part of the progress report, the group selected and produced a design outline with specific parts. While writing the progress report, the group acquired some of the materials they plan to utilize in their prototype, including an arduino microcontroller, arduino ECG kit, and abdominal compression device with a pressure sensor. The group plans to begin the prototyping process next week by testing their sensors and began optimizing signal collection. The group does not currently have any questions for Dr. Klaesner, but will likely reach out for guidance as they encounter difficulties in the prototyping process.