Concurrent Respiratory and Cardiac Cycle Monitoring for 4D Respiratory and Cardiac CT
Washington University in St. Louis bme 401 senior design
Welcome to the home page for Washington University in St. Louis Senior Design Class Group 4. Students David Zhang and Ricky Illindala aim to create a novel device capable of concurrent respiratory and cardiac signal monitoring for the purpose of accurate 4D CT imaging in the use of radiation ablation.

Figure: Model prototype
About the Project
The project was initially proposed by the client Dr. Yao Hao in conjunction with Dr. Tiezhi Zhang in an effort to create a method to concurrently monitor respiratory and cardiac signals for 4D CT. By concurrently measuring these signals, the group hopes to create an efficient method to ultimately reduce radiation exposure to the patient while still creating accurate images.

Figure: Planning computed tomography with overlaid dose distribution
The Website
The group website features the collection of intermittent reports completed by the group while constructing the design prototype. Reports provide a comprehensive overview of the design process, prototype construction, and resources used.
Current Status
Future plans include finishing prototype completion by January. The breadboard will hopefully be replaced with a printed circuit board, and validation testing can be completed using a phantom. The ultimate end goal consists of a fully working prototype capable of 4D CT gating a submission in the 2023 NIH DEBUT Challenge.