The reward must not be freely available to the mouse. It should only be accessible when the mouse completes the behavioral task successfully.– Reward must be fed to the mouse based upon a trigger from task component
– Fixed amount of water must be delivered for experimental consistency from external source
– The intended fixed reward volume is between 0.5-1.5 L2
– The system must be programmed, given the specific flow rate of the device, to deliver reward until the target volume is met
The reward must be directly accessible to the mouse during head fixation.– The reward must be within reach of the mouse that requires no head movement. 
– The mouse should only have to use its tongue to receive reward.
– The water reward must be within approximately 12 mm of  the mouse’s mouth, based upon the average length of the tongue. 
Reward structure must not interfere with imaging systems within the current experimental setup.– The system must  be outside the field of view of the CMOS cameras used to capture limb movement– The field of view of the camera is 55×77 mm.
Reward system is able to be removed when imaging does not involve a behavioral task.– The system will be able to easily added to the existing fixation apparatus– The attachment of the system will place the tip of the dispenser within 12 mm of the mouse3
– Securable to prevent displacement out of reach of the mouse